Tuesday, September 18, 2018


1. Avoid Alcohol

Sometimes the simplest advice is the most obvious, and that’s certainly the case with alcohol consumption and liver health. While moderate amounts of alcohol are okay, and even have some health benefits, the liver is responsible for processing the alcohol byproduct called acetaldehyde. When you overdo it, the liver strains to remove this byproduct.

2. Avoid Excessive Amounts of Processed Sugar

We all have a sweet tooth and those tasty treats or soft drinks are hard to pass up, but your liver will thank you. Put simply, sugar is made up of two molecules: glucose and fructose. Glucose is much easier to metabolize, but only the liver can metabolize fructose. What does your liver do with excess fructose? Well, it turns it into fat and stores some of it in the liver (you don’t want too much fat in your liver!) Over time, your liver can become insulin resistant which causes a host of problems. So the simple way to make your liver happy is avoid excess sugar, limit the soft drinks, and you’ll be all the better for it.

3. Eat Healthy Foods

Leafy greens offer antioxidant protection that’ll help keep you healthy and feed your liver the proper nutrients it needs to keep fit. Cruciferous vegetables have digestive enzymes and chlorophyll that help support your liver. Don’t forget to throw in some fresh fruit!

4. Exercise

No, your liver isn’t a muscle, but exercise does one fantastic thing that helps your liver: increasing circulation! Remember: the more you move around and get your heart pumping, the more blood you’re circulating throughout your body - in and out of the liver so it can do what it does. So get out there and do some jumping jacks! Just kidding, even mild exercise will help immensely!

There you have it. Four simple steps to improve your liver health that you can start right away. They’re not easy (sometimes a celebration calls for a drink and a slice of cake), but the more you limit things like sweets and alcohol, and the more you add healthy foods to your diet and some exercise, the better you’ll feel!

What Can Cause Liver Damage?

How Do I Get My Liver Healthy Again?

Because the liver is such a huge part of the digestive system, a healthy liver benefits almost every aspect of your health. A healthy, well-functioning liver can help you experience:
  • More Energy
  • Clearer Skin
  • Regular Hormone Cycles
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Regular Digestion
  • Better Oral Health
  • Positive Mood
How do you improve your liver health?
Well, the first step is cutting out things like sugary drinks and processed foods. Then, losing weight can help get rid of any excess fat in the liver. After that, it’s refining your diet and eating more fruits and vegetables, preferably organic ones that aren’t exposed to liver toxins like pesticides…
This process can be expensive and time consuming, so for those who want to boost their liver health without rearranging their lives, there are some incredible natural supplements that boost liver health and help you detoxify your body fast. The question is...

“Are There Any Natural Liver Support Supplements that Actually Work?”

With any health condition, there will inevitably be a line of natural remedies created to help alleviate symptoms and build a path towards remission and health. Judging by the number of customers these companies have year after year, the volume of verified testimonials, and the support some of their ingredients have from the medical community, they must be doing something right.
These natural remedies are often used in order to avoid the cost, inconvenience, and side effects of prescription drugs and invasive treatments. Among so many choices, the question is…

Here’s What We Looked for in a Product

With years of experience, our research team dove into stacks of medical journals and consumer reports and studied exactly how certain herbs can help boost liver health. We narrowed the list to 4 essential ingredients that no effective liver remedy would be without:


One of the oldest and best studied liver support herbs, Milk Thistle has studied benefits for all types of liver problems. It helps those with alcoholic liver disease, acute and chronic hepatitis, and liver disease caused by toxins. It also has an anti-fibrotic effect, which means it helps prevent liver scarring. Needless to say, this is an essential ingredient.


One of the liver’s primary functions is to create bile, which helps the body break down foods and filter and detoxify blood. The nutrients in dandelions help stimulate bile production and cleanse the liver to keep everything moving smoothly. And when everything’s moving smoothly, you get better, more complete digestion.
Dandelion contains potassium, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin B-6, and Magnesium.

Chanca Piedra

Chanca Piedra translates to ‘Stone Breaker’, and it’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine to help get rid of kidney stones. Guess what? Some preliminary studies show it may do just that. Another study shows that Chanca Piedra has a special protein that helps protect the liver from oxidative stress. This promising antioxidant also stimulates bile production and may have additional benefits for the kidneys. When it comes to digestive health, Chanca Piedra is extremely important.


Artichoke’s have incredible benefits for the digestive system. In fact, German doctors have recommended artichoke for indigestion and upset stomach for ages. Its liver benefits may be due to a substance called cynarin - contained in the artichoke - that helps increase the production of bile to speed up the movement of food and waste.

Liquid Formula

We gave heavy favoritism to liquid extracts, and it was for good reason. Pills and capsules have to be digested, liquids do not. Liquids are formulated for optimal bioavailability, and their ingredients can get to work fast. Liquids are also portable, require no water, they’re easy to digest, and they’re easy on the stomach.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How to improve a healthy liver is a systematic medium used to advice those who want to live a healthy and a happy life.
Remember prevention is better than cure.
Read this now for your liver healthy improvement.

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