Saturday, September 1, 2018

Pharmacist Hospital Instrument

Tablet-counting Machine


Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
The principle daily duty of a pharmacist is to fill medical prescriptions. Often, these prescriptions are for pills. One of the most crucial tools to fill pill prescriptions accurately and efficiently is a tablet-counting machine. Tablet-counting machines count pills quickly and accurately via a vibrating plate that drops pills onto a scale until the desired amount is reached.

Liquid-filling Machines

Hemera Technologies/ Images
Liquid-filling machines also automatically fill prescriptions. Whereas tablet counters fill pill prescriptions, liquid-filling machines fill liquid prescriptions. When a customer is prescribed a cough syrup or some other viscous medication, pharmacists use liquid-filling machines to accurately fill vials and bottles.


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An autoclave is a machine used to sterilize equipment and tools used in the pharmacy. The devices come in all shapes and sizes but all types of autoclaves work the same way. They sterilize the tools by subjecting them to high-pressure steam, creating a temperature of more than 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Autoclaves help keep pharmacies and pharmaceutical equipment germ-free.

Tablet Hardness Tester

Hardness is among the five essential tablet qualities to test, along with thickness, width, diameter and weight. A tablet hardness tester is a handheld device used to precisely measure the hardness and friability (how easy a substance is to crumble) of tablets. Hardness and friability are important because they refer to the ability of the tablet to avoid breaking apart during transport.

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